How to Use Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense burning on hot coal

When stocking up on your staple essential oils, be sure not to forget the fragrant and autumnal frankincense oil. Fantastic for a multitude of uses, you’ll find yourself incorporating it into your life on a daily basis.

Promoting relaxation, calmness and serenity, it’s a wonderful scent to bring into your life that will soon become your go-to oil. Traditionally one of the Three Wise Men’s gifts to the Son of God, it’s easy to see why frankincense goes down in history as a well being force majeure when you check out some of the many uses below:

Stunning skin

Blend your own day or night cream by adding just a few drops to your preferred base – or even to your shower gel for a great all-over body treat. Use fewer drops when adding it to a lotion for your face as a little will go a long way and it’s wise not to make your cream too potent. Use in a bath or in a bowl of hot, steamy water for a fabulous facial, adding a dash of lavender to take your steaming to a whole new level.


Because of frankincense’s healing and relaxing qualities, it’s a brilliant oil to add to your diffuser to set the scene prior to meditation or gentle yoga. You could even burn a frankincense-flavoured candle to add a flickering glow to calm your mind further as you relax and look inwards. Or for a quick hit, simply apply a couple of drops to your palms, rub them together and allow the aromas to swirl around your body and flood your senses.

Muscle and joint rub

For a soothing and relaxing massage, slow things down and give your joints and muscles a bit of tender loving care with a frankincense muscle rub.